Tuesday 9 June 2020

Old, Angry and White

I wrote this poem in August 2019 at the height of the climate change protests. I have just logged into my blog for the first time since then and found it sitting in my drafts, so thought I may as well post it.

'Old, Angry and White' - A poem by Adam Heath...

A young girl tries to change the world
To stop the climate change spread
And for this an angry white man
Wishes that she was dead
His friends are scared for their fortunes
He doesn't care for a future that's bright
He'll fund a campaign of hatred
He's old, angry and white

Saturday 18 May 2019

Game of Bones - Winter is Cumming

With the finale of Game of Thrones landing this weekend, I decided it would be fitting to do a blog on the subject. Many who have followed my blog down the years will remember what made it famous (it's not famous) in the first place. So when it came to my attention that there is a parody porn version of Game of Thrones, I thought this is it, my moment, my calling. So here it is, the beautifully named Game of Bones - Winter is Cumming.

Now before I started watching the first thing I was thinking was Tyrion... will they go there? Will they put a dwarf in a porno... FIRST FUCKING CHARACTER! Not only that, we have Varys. Proper Varys though, the master of whispers.

Varys and Tyrion conniving in front of the Iron Throne, this already feels more like actual Game of Thrones than season 8. Well it would, except in this version it's not the Iron Throne... It's the Iron Bone!

Varys tells him this is a parody called Game of Bones, and muses that "I could have come up with something better", to which Tyrion responds "actually nothing will be coming up on you". Ah, classic Tyrion wit. Now Tyrion has always been smart, and he asks the obvious question:

"How could anyone come up with a porn parody filthier than the show? It's got butts, boobs, cocks, balls, and an albino dragon queen screwing."

And if ever you were looking for a tag line to give someone about Game of Thrones, porn Tyrion is on the money right there. Now we're getting into the plot, and let me tell you I'm hooked. Varys whispers a secret to Tyrion, and we learn this is a secret that's come from a character named... "Not So Littlefinger". I really want to meet Not So Littlefinger, and I really want to know the secret. And maybe soon I will find out, as Tyrion decides to "send Podrick down to the whores to find out." 

But of course, we will never find out this secret. I was so caught up in the game that I had forgotten, as Tyrion now reminds me, "this is a porn parody, at least they could show..."

Before we get into the action, and for anyone wondering as I'm sure you were, they do have an opening credits sequence. And I am truly impressed with how they have kept the style of the original.

And here it is, the logo:

Fans of the show will probably agree that it's only fitting for the first bone in the game to go to Pod the Rod. His reputation has obviously spread far and wide by now, as the whore (sorry that's actually her character name) says that she's heard he "has a cock the size of a dragon tooth". In the actual show people have been waiting years for some sort of closure on the subject of Podrick's seemingly magical sexual powers, yet in Bones we get an answer straight away. Bones one Thrones nil in my opinion. Here's Pod by the way, a true feat in casting.

The actor has him down to a tee as well. You have to give credit in these parody porns when they really get into character. Part of me wonders when they make stuff like this what their goal is, because if it's just for people to have a wank their talents really are wasted. Not that they're not talented at porn, but the parody really is good. Like they actually parody Game of Thrones quite well. They do get an IMDB page for it, more on that later though...

Now to be fair to Podrick, he does try to do Tyrion's bidding and find out about what Not So Littlefinger told Varys. He tells the whore he has a couple of questions for her, to which she replies "sure, but you can ask them with your wang, and I'll answer with the sound of slurping." You know that petition to get season 8 of Game of Thrones remade, can we get whoever wrote this to do it?

What follows is a sex scene where the actor playing Pod gloriously stays in character throughout. He finishes up on her face, stood over the whore as she lies on the bed, then mutters the exceptional line "I guess this gives new meaning to Winterfell".

Now as popular as Podrick is I think it's safe to say he's not an A list character, so it's time to bring in the heavy hitters. Introducing Robb Stark, putting together his final battle plans. Or, more accurately, playing with a couple of toy dogs and some toy knights. "Take that Lannister scum" and "beg for mercy incest king" are just a couple of his ditties. I think I'm going to really like this character.

We're introduced to Talisa, and she asks Robb whether he has a battle plan. He ponders over the idea of going to the Freys and apologising for not marrying one of his ugly daughters, as he will need their army if he is to sit on the Iron Bone. "What could possibly happen going to an insane man who hates me who owns a bunch of swords? I'm sure he'll be as cool as a white walkers dildo." Apart from the white walkers dildo line being the best thing in anything ever, I also feel like this Robb, a Robb who plays with toys rather than constructing battle plans, has more sense than the one in the show. Robb expresses his love for Talisa, to which she replies "I think it's time for the King of the North to get what he deserves down south... I mean a blowjob." I hope this scriptwriter got an Oscar. Or whatever the porn equivalent is. Robb is by far my favourite character in this, whilst he's getting sucked off he throws out lines like "are you hungry like the wolf" and "say it! Say I'm the king of the north!" I really hope he doesn't die...

If you were hoping to place this epic in the timeline of Westeros, Joffrey is currently sat on the Iron Bone. Here is Joffrey:

Played by a woman, and with no sexual scenes, quite what purpose Joffrey has in all this I couldn't say. He/she kills a slave with a crossbow off camera, but that's about it. I think the only reason he/she is there is to create tension between Cersei and Margaery. Yes, we have Cersei and Margaery, and yes, they really don't like each other. Keep that in mind, as it may or may not lead to something later...

Margaery wants to marry Joffrey, and let me tell you Cersei is not best pleased about this. Now not much actually happens in this scene, however when I was listening to Cersei speak I was thinking her accent is a bit all over the place. A couple of things she said I was like that's not... she's not scouse, is she? So I looked it up, and there is an IMDb page for this, and low and behold Cersei is a fucking scouser! 

Less Mad Queen more Fewmin Prin. Not much actually happens in this scene, I think it exists to act as a bit of a respite from the sex, but also to foreshadow some plot twists that may occur later... Speaking of plot, in the next scene we are introduced to Daenerys. And her trusty sidekick Jorah Mormont.

Yes, I wasn't sure that was meant to be Jorah either, until a later scene when they make a friendzone joke. Even in the porn version, Ser Jorah still can't get his end away with Dany. Poor guy. Here, the Mother of Dragons is admiring her offscreen Second Son army. Well, I say Mother of Dragons, but here she is of course called the MILF of Dragons. When Jorah questions how she will get this none slave army to fight for her, she claims that will be "Khal-easy". Amazing, that comedic masterpiece isn't even the greatest part of this scene. That honour goes to the dragons we are then introduced to...

The screenshot doesn't even do it justice. It's two cats actually roaming the skies. I'm assuming Viserion has already been lost to the Night King, but we haven't yet been introduced to the White Walkers (dildo joke aside). That's all about to change though...

Now, Game of Thrones is no stranger to subverting expectations, and it's parody porn counterpart has certainly followed suit. When we next find ourselves in a cave north of the wall with Jon Snow and Ygritte, you'd be forgiven for thinking we're about to witness them going at it. But that's before we get a dramatic twist. But more on that in a minute, first off here are the Wildling couple:

I could describe Jon Snow here, but I think Ygritte says it best... "Unruly hair, beard, whining... you're such a hipster Jon Snow, can you just wait one moment to buy your Mumford and Sons album so we can raid the wall." This quote is on a par with chaos is a ladder and not today. Anyway, I said Jon and Ygritte don't get it on, but that's not for lack of trying. Jon wants to raid Ygritte's wall, and she asks him to do the thing with his mouth. He wants her to call it something more sophisticated, like "pelt munching or reverse girl blow jobs". Unfortunately Ygritte is having none of it - "you blow nothing, Jon Snow". But before Jon can get down and dirty, he realises there's something outside, watching them...

Winter is here! It's our first look at a White Walker, or as they're known in Bones, a "Tight Walker". Instead of a White Walker's ice spear she has a dildo on a stick! You genuinely have to hand it to the writers here, this is next level. Instead of the Jon Snow sex scene we were expecting we get a Tight Walker getting herself off. The Night King didn't die for this.

Extra screenshot included here just because. The highs and lows of being a Tight Walker, one minute she's having an orgasm, the next she's being shot with a dragonglass arrow and shattering into a thousand tiny pieces. I'd hazard a guess that the budget for this wasn't on a level with HBO, but full marks for them trying to give us true to source plot.

Jon questions where Ygritte has been hiding her dragonglass, and she tells him there's plenty more if he wants to check out her arsenal. And this is Jon's cue to finally have his way with her. Now we go back to Jorah and the MILF of Dragons, who are being introduced to Daario Naharis. She's trying to persuade Daario she is the rightful heir, but he wants convincing. For some reason unbeknown to me, he's not sold on her dragons, and he thinks they might be knockoffs: "I once met a man with a pet dragon, he convinced me to touch it. It turned out to be his penis." 

Dany promises to convince Daario with her tongue, but Jorah disapproves of this tactic. However, Dany doesn't listen and tells him to wait outside. "What, I can't even watch? I'm seriously the most cockblocked character in all of fiction." Not sure if parody Jorah or actual Jorah here, this is gripping stuff.

After Daario has been convinced by the MILF of Dragons, we return to Kings Landing, where we unfortunately learn that tragedy has struck one of our beloved characters. A raven has arrived bearing dark tides.

I would warn people still in mourning over the Red Wedding to look away now... but this is not news about the Red Wedding. This, this is tidings of the White Wedding, a far more gruesome affair I must say. Here is the message the raven bequeathed...

"Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, and Talisa Stark arrived to meet the Freys as planned. Once they got there he offered his uncle's hand in marriage to one of the Frey girls. Apparently Walder Frey had set in motion plans for the ultimate betrayal. Well, it looked like the wedding was going to happen. Robb and his wife, and his mother, sat and watched, and smiled, unaware of the hideous betrayal that was about to take place. But then, all of the Frey girls - over 18 of course - and all of the soldiers, and even Walder himself... Well, they all dropped their trousers. They all started jerking themselves. They started touching, and poking, and yanking themselves to climax. Semen went flying through the air, it hit Talisa over and over and over again.Then the women squirted. So many women, so much bodily fluid. It flew through the air and it covered Robb. It was a lethal bukkake, they drowned in the flood of crotch juices. And with that much semen, it was indeed a white wedding."

Genuinely one of the greatest scenes ever put to film. George R R Martin himself would have been proud of that writing, and it puts Benioff and Weiss to shame. RIP Robb and Talisa. Also, major props to this guy, whose only appearance in the entire 1hr 50m of this film (yes, it goes on for fucking 1hr and 50m) is to pull this face as he starts the bukkake murder at the White Wedding:

Remember how Cersei and Margaery didn't get on? Well, true to character, all this talk of Stark murder has made Cersei extremely horny, and she's willing to put those differences aside for her (and our) pleasure. And this is how the epic that is Game of Bones concludes, with Cersei sat on the Iron Bone lezzing off. A fitting end I must say, and probably a more satisfying end (no pun intended) to the one we're actually going to get.

Now, after going through nearly two hours of Game of Thrones parody porn, I could quite easily end the blog here. But there is one final twist in the tale... Game of Bones has a sequel! Game of Bones 2: Winter Came Everywhere. I once posted a parody porn blog on here in which I made a statement about a screenshot, a screenshot of ET looking down on himself getting a blow job (genuinely as funny as it sounds) and said it was the greatest screenshot ever taken. But in Game of Bones 2, I actually think that has been surpassed. With this:

Meet Drogon! Bones 2 is much shorter, it's pretty much a one scene film lasting around half an hour. But they really did go full parody porn in it. I could probably do a whole blog on it, but if anyone actually read this one and they've got this far you're probably thinking just put it to bed already. But like they genuinely went full parody porn, they even ditched the real names of characters in favour of these glorious versions:

The main portion of the film is made up of Daenaked and Jon Blow having sex on Drogon's back, and that thing they have as Drogon moves it's head and tail around it's mad. And the kicker at the end is that the Night King was watching the whole time knocking one out. Sorry, not the Night King, the White Wankerking. Again, as far as screenshots go, this one is up there:

Absolute next level for a porno. AJ, the actor playing the White Wankerking, got to appear on the back of a CGI dragon then stand wanking for a few seconds, and for that he got a credit. What a guy. Tormund (Whoremund) can be seen at the start of the film on the wall talking to who I believe to be Melisandre, although she is uncredited. 

This scene contains some fantastic dialogue, in which Whoremund discovers the wall is covered in a layer of ejaculate, and we find out about it's history: "All the lonely men, standing here for years at a time with nothing to do but polish their swords. This wall was tiny before the sworn step-brothers of the Night's Watch started cumming on it." Makes far more sense than GRRM's version. Then, quite oddly, we get some political satire. I'm not sure if that's usual in porn parodies, but it happens here. "I remember the Mad King promising his followers that the Wildlings would pay for the wall, but we did not!" To which Melisandre replies "and it quickly became a symbol for White Walker nationalism, he said it wasn't, but it was." The whole exchange is concluded by Whoremund, who exclaims "the Mad King is a lying sack of shit, I would never stay at a Targaryen hotel." Make of that what you will. Of course, politics isn't the only subject they have a pop at. Interestingly, and more relevantly, they have a dig at Game of Thrones itself. Melisandre tells us "I'm going to be part of one of the many other plots you may have invested all your emotions in, but will mean nothing soon because zombies." So on point. You might say Game of Bones predicted Game of Thrones. This rather extraordinary scene ends with Whoremund doing his bit to grow the wall, as he masturbates to a cartoon of himself and Brienne of Tarth.

The other scene in this movie is a play on Littlefinger's trial. Or as he's known here, Bigfinger. In a sentence I never thought I'd write, Aryola uses her faceless man skills to turn into a dildo that is first of all used by Sucksa to masturbate before it is turned on Bigfinger and stabs him in the "Podrick". Again a feat of special effects:

Two films, two and a half hours, the Game of Bones saga really has been an epic journey. To finish, I will leave with the final shot of Game of Bones, one I can only hope the series itself can match. The Whitewankerking hiding behind a wall masturbating whilst holding an ice spear dildo.


Thursday 10 January 2019

Angry Man, Yellow Vest

'Angry Man, Yellow Vest' - A poem by Adam Heath...

A country that has split in two
A leader is what we need
Politicians have lost their way
Who is going to lead?
Boris tried and so did Gove
May struggles in her quest
Step forward the unlikely hero
Angry man, yellow vest

We won't take orders from Europe
Follow them we won't do
The French protest in yellow vests
We should do that too
Attack the police, they're "fair game"
Our hero said it best
Disagree you're a traitor
Angry man, yellow vest

MPs can't walk down the street
Without facing a torrent of abuse
Because Brexit it means Brexit
No surrender and no truce
They're all enemies of Britain
Every child who dies migrating west
Cross the Channel and you will meet
Angry man, yellow vest

Hopkins said it's time to march
A strong Brexit is our goal
And also lets kick off about
The vegan sausage roll
This poem's worse than Brexit
I'm really not impressed
So if you want a war, it's on
Angry man, yellow vest


Saturday 5 January 2019

European Civil War

I've recently started watching the Ken Burns documentary series about the American Civil War, and what struck me, and also kind of scared me, was how similar the whole thing sounded to Brexit. Now I'm no expert on either subject, in fact with both - Brexit and the documentary - they've kind of just been going on around me whilst I sit looking at Twitter on my phone, so I fully expect to be outed as an idiot.

However, this documentary was made in 1991, so it can't have possibly have been framed in such a way to present similarities to Brexit, but I found things like the the language used and the events leading up to the war just very similar to what happened around Brexit. Both situations involved normal people - if you want to make comparisons between the type of folk in the deep south of the US and those who voted for Brexit that's up to you - who felt like a government, based far away from them, had too much control over their lives. The southern US states were being governed by Washington, Britain was being governed by Brussels. You know the story. And the catalyst for both was racism - the abolition of slavery in the US and immigration in the UK.

The irony I find in both situations is that normal people weren't really effected by either. In America only the rich benefited from the slave trade, whether it be making money from it or having free labour. And in the UK immigration is pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, the real problems are caused by the unequal distribution of wealth favouring the rich. However in both cases the normal people were persuaded to fight (metaphorically in Brexit's case, however literally fight and die in the Civil War) over something that had no bearing of them.

It made me think how mad it would be if Brexit were to lead to some kind of European Civil War, a war in which Britain really would be on the wrong side. The strange thing with that would be for people like me who would be obliged to side with our country, even if it was fucking terrible. It makes you think how back in WW2 there were obviously Germans who disagreed with what was taking place, but had no choice but to stick with their country. Of course if such a scenario were to occur now Britain would be the Nazi Germany of the piece, no doubt lead to war by an unholy alliance consisting of Tommy Robinson supported by Katie Hopkins and Piers Morgan.

Tommy Robinson, or Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, would be the new Hitler. Robinson, who is as much a working-class man of the people as old Adolf was German, would somehow mange to gain power through his charisma and hoodwinking. Quite how people find Tommy Robinson charismatic is beyond me, although the same could be said about Hitler. Apparently his speeches were so good that those who listened to them were willing to stand by and let six million Jews be systematically murdered. I'm not sure whose speeches we'll blame when we tell future generations about how we let young children drown in the Channel.

Katie Hopkins would of course be Joseph Goebbels, a disturbing looking creature with an unfortunate knack for turning people's deep lying prejudice and fear into propaganda. Piers Morgan completes terrible trio as a modern day Mussolini, the fat muppet who thought fascism was all fun and games until he got lynched by his own people. Of course no war would be complete without the backing of our old friends the USA, pretty much rounding off the WW2 role reversal as we fight side by side with Donald Trump.

Whilst I joke it wouldn't even surprise me if something like this one day occurred. It would have to benefit the rich of course, as they are the one's who'd have to trick us all into dying for them. 100 years ago Britain's Empire reached the largest it would ever be, after we went into a room and handpicked which African colonies formerly belonging to Germany that we wanted for ourselves. The astounding arrogance of this country's aristocracy, after sending millions of our working class men to their deaths whilst drinking tea and playing golden pianos (claim based on recent evidence) the first thing they did was go and decide which non-consenting African countries they'd like to rape and pillage next. And it's this great Empire that Brexiteers nostalgically long for today. If you're going to fuck things up for all of us over an idea at least make it a good idea lads.

Anyway that's enough from me for now. This was actually my first blog in just over three years, I'm sure you've all been waiting patiently so I'm sorry I've disappointed. And also sorry to anyone who was hoping for a new parody porn blog, although I might throw one out in the near future. It's dry January and I'm bored, that's why I wrote this. I didn't really know what I was going to write to be fair I've just kind of seen where my thoughts would take me so sorry if it was shit, personally though I think the line comparing Piers Morgan to Mussolini was worth the entry fee. All the best.

Thursday 26 November 2015


I'm writing this blog after reading an article on the BBC magazine entitled "Do terrorists really think they're going to win?"

The article detailed how the state will always defeat them, and I thought that's a rather sad article to have to write when taking that stance, borne out of a naive belief that there is a clear, visible divide between good people and bad people.

Jeremy Corbyn was described as naive recently when he said he would not condone a shoot on sight policy on the streets of London. He was naive, because he didn't understand what people wanted to hear after the Paris attacks.

I'd disagree with this. I think Jeremy Corbyn was naive, but he was only naive about the naivety of people. People want to believe that there are good guys and there are bad guys and everyone can clearly see the difference between the two. The SAS are the good guys, and the terrorists are the bad guys. And they should shoot them on sight to protect us and I'll never end up like Jean Charles de Menezes.

In America, their 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms, was originally introduced so that the people could rise up against their government should they become oppressed by them. By the definition of the BBC article, everyone who exercises their 2nd amendment rights is a terrorist in waiting,

In the film A Few Good Men, Lt. Cdr Galloway describes the US Marines saying "They stand on a wall and say 'nothing's going to hurt you tonight, not on my watch.'"

This is that naive view that Americans have, that there are good guys with guns keeping them safe from the bad guys under instruction from a government that just wants to protect them.

Donald Trump said during his presidential campaign that he wants to build a wall to keep the Mexicans out of America.

In the film Mississippi Burning, Ward asks Anderson where all the hatred for black people comes from. He responds with a story about how his dad was jealous of a neighbouring black farmer who owned a mule. One day, he killed the mule and the black farmer moved away, but what his dad didn't realise was that it was just his poverty that was killing him.

You can kill the mule, and make the people who are different from you go away, but when they're gone your problems will still stay the same.

If the BBC's article is to be believed, and terrorists are at war with the state, then anyone who's being oppressed is in danger of becoming a terrorist. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Margaret Thatcher believed Nelson Mandela was a terrorist. Did he win? Did he defeat the state? And if he did are we supposed to feel bad about it?

One free man defending his home is more powerful than ten hired soldiers, the Crusades taught me that. Well actually, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves taught me that, but men defending their home have already destroyed a Russian jet and a helicopter.

Russia, America, France... these countries send multi million dollar jets to attack men who have nothing. Acts of terrorism like the Paris attacks become their only way to respond, the only way to hit us back where it hurts.

The lessons of Vietnam still haven't been learned, when America destroyed the poor country by blanket bombing it with state of the art napalm. They were then surprised to find the Vietcong digging tunnels and using guerilla warfare tactics as their only way to fight back, and were even more shocked when the locals whose country they were destroying to "protect" them turned against them.

The great thing about history is that it will always be there to be learned from. When Kaiser Wilhelm II started the great arms race at the start of the 20th century, the only possible conclusion to it was war. Similarly, David Cameron has just approved massive spending increases on the British military.

To have wars, you need enemies. Ironically, "the war on terror" creates terrorists. By definition, a terrorist is someone who uses fear to get what they want. If your government tells you you're at war with someone you will fear them, so you make them terrorists.

In a similar vein, the Islamic State was only legitimised as a state when someone declared war on it.

Infamous Nazi Hermann Goering once said: "the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Think about that every time David Cameron tells you we are under threat.

In fact, the whole point of this blog is just to make people think about things. Always ask why. If a politician says something, ask why. If the media tells you something, ask why.

Recently, The Sun newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch stated that 1 in 5 British Muslims sympathise with ISIS. What reason could mega rich people like Rupert Murdoch and his mate, the aforementioned Donald Trump, want normal people to focus their hatred and blame on those who have nothing? Whilst they avoid billions of pounds of tax and make a living by taking from the poor to give to themselves. Legally, of course.

Malcolm X once said: “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

Blame your fellow farmer and his mule.


Thursday 27 August 2015

Virginia Shooting

As most of you will now know, yesterday two journalists were shot and killed on live television as they reported from Virginia's Smith Mountain Lake. This is a short blog like the ones I do from time to time when I want to express an opinion on something but don't feel the 140 characters available on Twitter is enough to get my point across.

Coming from the UK, if you see someone who may have a grudge against you, someone you think want revenge for something that happened to them in the past, you may get a bit nervous. You may turn around and say "I think he might start something here." However, you never have to worry for one second that that person will pull out a gun and fucking murder you.

I'm not denying that people in the UK get murdered. It happens, but you fancy your chances of survival a lot more knowing that a psycho can't legally buy a lethal firearm in the local supermarket. There's knives, yes. But if someone intends to use a knife they know there's a very good chance that once they've stabbed someone they'll get done in themselves. Not like with a gun, where you give someone the power of God.

People in America will claim there are responsible gun owners, there are those who would never use their guns in this way. However, the harsh reality is that guns are aimed at people like yesterday's shooter. In his own manifesto after the shooting he claimed he committed the murder due to previous acts of discrimination against him. Guns give people who feel helpless or worthless power. The power of God, lethal force in the palm of their hand. And those with inadequacies thrive of this feeling, and that is why guns will always find their way into their hands whilst they're still legally and readily accessible.

America set the agenda when it comes to opinion's on the likes of ISIS. They're portrayed as barbarians, and their shocking acts are condemned by the West and rightly so. But in America yesterday, an innocent young woman was brutally murdered in cold blood, by a man carrying a firearm he could legally fucking buy in a supermarket.

The man proceeded to post videos of the shooting to social media, a barbaric act reminiscent of the aforementioned ISIS. But the barbarism is not in the act alone, the barbarism is in the system that allowed this murder to occur. The barbarism is in a nation supposedly at the forefront of the civilised world that allows people to legally own lethal firearms that they can use to murder young women in cold blood.

Rest In Peace Alison Parker and Adam Ward. Not victims of ISIS, not victims of terrorism or war. Rest In Peace Alison Parker and Adam Ward. Victims of America.


Wednesday 25 February 2015

No Statue For Bob

There's currently a lot of talk and even a petition doing the rounds for Bob Paisley to get a statue as part of the redevelopment of Anfield. Personally, I completely disagree with this idea. It's nothing to do with how I feel about Bob Paisley. In my opinion he is the greatest football manager of all time. But it is rather to do simply with the idea of a statue and what it represents in modern football.

When Liverpool unveiled the statue in honour of Bill Shankly, it was quite a unique thing. Not many clubs had statues honouring ex-players or managers, and those that did were for very special individuals. In fact, at the time the Bill Shankly statue was unveiled I believe the only other football statues in existence were Stanley Matthews at Stoke from 1987, and Billy Wright at Wolves, Jackie Milburne at Newcastle, and Matt Busby at Manchester United that were erected the year before Bill Shankly's figure in 1996.

However, since then, and particularly over the past few years, statues to honour of ex-players have become more and more common in the UK, almost to the point where it's not really an honour any more. Arsenal have been especially fanatic when it comes to statues, seemingly creating one for anyone who ever played for them, so much so that you'd be forgiven for mistaking the Emirates for an Anthony Gormley piece.

I don't know who came up with the idea for the Bob Paisley statue, and I certainly hold nothing against them for it because Bob Paisley is a man who definitely deserves honouring. But I can't help but feel they just saw all these other clubs throwing up new statues left right and centre and decided we need to do it as well. Unfortunately, that is not Liverpool. Well not the Liverpool I know anyway. Yes, Bob Paisley deserves honouring, but not by doing something that every other club does. I wouldn't want Bob Paisley to be lost in a sea of statues.

At Anfield, outside The Spion Kop, a statue of Bill Shankly stands proudly. And rightly so. Looking out upon fans arriving at the stadium in one of his most famous poses. Telling first time visitors to Anfield who we are, and reassuring the locals who return week after week. Anfield does not need another statue. But to get to that statue, you have to pass through a gateway. That gateway is there in honour of Bob Paisley. Not many ex players or managers have gateways. The most famous gateways in football are named after Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley. This is a unique tribute to those men, a fitting tribute. A Liverpool tribute. The Bob Paisley gateway says all that needs to be said about the great man, and I think he would have liked it that way.
